Love me some acid

Set your AeroPress inverted and wet double paper filters with hot water.

  1. Set your water temperature at 81 celsius degrees, put the coffee in and fill up with 70 grams of water.

  2. Start timer and swirl your AeroPress around for 15 seconds.

  3. Fill up with the remaining amount of water.

  4. Wait until 1 minute, then put the cap on.

  5. Wait until 1:20, then invert.

  6. Wait until 1:30, then plunge until around 1:45.

  7. Done!

2017 WAC Winner

Coarsley grind your coffee

  1. Add it to your Inverted Aeropress, shake to level

  2. From 0:00 to 0:15, add 150g of water

  3. From 0:15 to 0:35, stir and keep stirring

  4. At 0:35, put filter cap (with pre-wet filter) in place

  5. At 1:05, flip the AeroPress and start pressing

  6. At 1:35, stop pressing. You should have now 90ml of the concentrated brew (4.5%TDS)

  7. Add 160g - 200g of hot water and enjoy!

2019 WAC Winner

Setup your AeroPress in the inverted position

  1. Add 30g of coarse ground coffee

  2. Add 100g of the softest water you can find, heated to 92 degrees celcius

  3. As soon as you add the water, start your timer

  4. Stir vigorously with your AeroPress spoon, about 20 times

  5. Put your cap on, with a rinsed paper filter and push out the excess air

  6. At 0:40 (yep, gotta be fast!) flip the AeroPress onto your pitcher and press!

  7. Once all pressed, dilute your brew with 120g water at 92 degrees celcius

  8. Cool the brew by pouring it back and forth between two pitchers

  9. Serve at around 60 degrees celcius... and enjoy!

2016 WAC Winner

Add your coffee to the inverted Aeropress Chamber... give it a shake or tap to level

  1. Start the timer

  2. Pour 150gm of water in 15 seconds

  3. Grab a pair of chopsticks and give it a stir for 20 seconds

  4. At 1:00 flip your Aeropress, give it a slight swirl

  5. Press for 30 seconds

  6. Once complete, add 100-120gm of water to your tasting

2018 WAC Winner

Set your water temperature at 85 degrees Celsius.

  1. Prepare your filter paper and grind your coffee.

  2. Pour 100g of water for 30 sec.

  3. Stir vigorously but carefully with wooden pair of chopsticks for 30 sec.

  4. Put the filter cap on, flip the AeroPress and press into a glass server for 30 sec.

  5. Do not preheat your serving vessel.

  6. Top up your brew with 60g of 85 degrees Celsius water and 40g of room temperature water.

2014 WAC Winner

Prepare by grinding your coffee and rinsing your paper filter with warm water

  1. Heat your water to 78 degrees celcius

  2. Add 16.5 coffee to upright AeroPress chamber

  3. Pour in 40g of water

  4. Allow 25 seconds to bloom

  5. Stir 5 times

  6. Add your remaining 210g of water (so total is 250g) and stir once

  7. Press very slowly for 75 seconds

  8. Leave 45g of slurry in the AeroPress