
The Aeropress is a versatile way to make great cups of coffee. There are a couple of common ways of how to use an AeroPress. You can use either method to make a delicious full cup of coffee.

What you need

  • AeroPress brewer

  • AeroPress filter

  • Grinder

  • Hot water just off the boil (about 205°F)

  • AeroPress paddle or spoon

  • Timer

  • Mug

    Step 1: Grind the Coffee (did you get a burr yet?)

    Measure and grind 17g of coffee — one rounded AeroPress spoonful or about 2 ½ Tablespoons. Grind the coffee about as fine as table salt.

    Step 2: Prep the Press

    Get the AeroPress ready to brew by placing the filter in the basket. Next, preheat the brewer and rinse the filter with hot water. This gets rid of any paper flavor and warms everything up. While you’re at it, heat up your mug with hot water.

    Step 3: Add Coffee

    Dump the hot water from your mug. Affix the filter basket to the bottom of the brew chamber and place it on top of the mug. Add 17g of coffee.

    Step 4: Add Water

    Start your timer when you pour hot water (just off the boil or about 205°F) into your brewer. Saturate all the grounds within 10 seconds. Pour to the No. 4 (220g of water if you’re using a scale). Making sure all the coffee is saturated by spinning the chamber.

    Step 5: Get ready to plunge

    Stir the crush and then place the plunger on the chamber. Pull up slightly to produce a vacuum.

    Step 6: Stir and plunge

    At around 1:15, remove the plunger and stir the crust. Replace the plunger and press until you hear a hiss sound.

    Step 7: Enjoy
